Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Avastasin enda jaoks paar nädalat tagasi saidi.
Sisu on päris hea. Soovitan külastada!

Artikleid kirjutavad igati tegijad inimesed, kes puutuvad igapäevaselt juhtimisega kokku ning kellel on kogemust ja teadmisi, mida jagada.

Kuulasin just intervjuud Ville Jehega. Huvitav!

Head mõtted

"If you think you are having everything under control, you just don't drive fast enough"
Ayrton Senna

Ask managers to make 10% more profit and the slicing and cutting knives are dusted off, aks them to grow through acquisitions and the list of take-over canditates will be on your desk first thing in the morning. Ask them to grow on foreign markets and the tickets are already booked.

Ask them to achieve 10% autonomous growth and all you hear is silence.

Need head mõtted on pärit Innoa lehelt.
Innoa looja Roland van Kralingen esineb 8. novembril InnoEstonia konverentsil.